Thursday, March 1, 2018

Layered Security

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One of the most efficient ways to deal with security issues in general and information security in specific is to apply a layered based model in order to be able to understand threats and apply necessary countermeasures for it. What makes this model suitable for security is the architecture of network and information systems nowadays where most of the interactions are between users and information systems through the network as a set of requests sent from the beneficiary to the server that will handle the request, process any sent information, retrieve or manipulate that context the data become the core of model as it is the main important asset that need to be protected.

Many models were created to embody the layered security approach from different perspectives. 
Some models took in consideration the security policy and user dimension and other focus more on the main layers: 

1 The Physical layer: 

 We mean by the physical layer the direct physical access to hardware. As illustrated in the chart above the access to the physical layer can be very direct and dangerous because attacker can cause direct damage or compromise network, processing, and storage devices. As example causing a denial of service that work on a server is simply doable by unplugging the power cord of that server. This is why physical security of data centers is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.   

A well designed architecture should allow response to attack even with physical based attacks as example sending notification or raising an alarm.

2 Network Layer:

 When the attacker doesn’t have any direct access to the physical hardware the only available path is through external layers toward the core where the data assets resides. Compromising network layer will make it easy for attacker to disclose, alter, or make unavailable mainly the data in motion sent by legitimate user or response sent by the server. Network layer in that model represent all activities, devices and protocols used to transfer data from its source to destination. 

3 Platform layer:

 The platform layer represents the carrier of application layer it provides the interface between hardware devices and the application layer in addition to process and file management. This layer is normally reflected through operating system and any used framework or server software that host the application. 

4 Application layer: 

 This layer represents all input processing, storage, retrieval, manipulation and output activities done on server side or client side. This layer depends on services it gets from the platform layer. 

5 Data layer: 

This is the layer where the precious assets reside, as it is known that the Data is the real asset in information systems. If an attacker is able to reach this layer the information system is considered as compromised.  

6 The response layer: 

This layer is the deepest layer it encompasses all Data and system recovery, monitoring, logging and notification activities. 

This layer safety is critical because it is the only guarantee that the data will be partially or totally recovered after an attack or at least knowing that the attack took place. Response layer is an abstract layer because its contents might be distributed over network, platform and application layer

The security of layers: 

in a layer based model each layer provides services to the next layer in order. one of the provided services is security thus each layer is responsible of preventing any malicious attack from passing through to the next layer.but since layers hold different nature it is sometime impossible for a specific layer to stop an attack that ment to target deeper layer.lot of malicious requests can travel freely without any problem through a specific layer as a legitimte requests because request does not contain any sign of malicious activity related to that layer.

Attacker might need to compromise more than one layer to be able to fulfill the attack goals. Compromising a layer is not always the goal of attack it might be only a step to compromise deeper layer to realize the target of attack. The following drawing illustrates some examples of attack scenarios: 

Application layer security 

Application layer as mentioned is the layer where all the logic of input, processing, manipulation, storage and output reside that makes this layer the place containing the customized component thus the components with less maturity which makes it the most tempting to malicious attacks.