Thursday, March 1, 2018

Defense mechanisms

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To be able to defend the application we need to specify the main mechanisms used to make this possible. This approach emphasizes heavily the application security noting that some other aspects needs to be considered if we target general defense mechanisms The actual focus is based on the ability to control the access, the attacker and to enable full monitoring capabilities over user input and application:


this part is about controlling the user privileges in term of access to data and functionality. This target is normally covered in web application by three main mechanisms:

a. Session management 

Session management is the method in which the server can handle subsequent requests coming from the same user, meaning that it is the way the server differentiates various requests coming from different clients.  

Http as a protocol does not provide this service as it is called stateless protocol. In general, all the application need to provide an approach to help dealing with requested sent by various user keeping track for each unique user.

The common way to allow session management in an application is to create a session structure and generate the session token. The session structure is dedicated to track user interaction through the unique generated token.

Tokens are long, randomly generated strings that are unique for the user. Tokens are transmitted using different methods the most common is HTTP cookies other methods like URL strings or hidden fields can be used too. 

Session for specific user is destroyed automatically after a period of time if no interaction between the client and the server is initiated, this period can be set by the application and it is usually about 20 minutes. 

b. Authentication: 

Is the method used to identify the user trying to access the application, normally anonymous unauthenticated personnel are treated as guest and provided with specific level of access depending on the nature of the application. The simplest approach to apply authentication in web application is usually through user name and password combination. The provided credentials should abide a set of conditions to minimize the possibility of guessing those credentials. More critical web application should be depending on extra credentials like challenge codes, smart & magnetic cards or biometric approaches  

c. Access control: 

Authentication of users accessing the applications is only the first step that will pave to control different users access to application resources and functionalities. This task is called “Authorization” and it means to specify “WHO” access “WHAT”. 

Generally, the “WHO” information are mapped to a set of privileges, where privileges set specify the access level for that user on the specific resource. Privileges are usually bundled in roles where each role, a role or more can be assigned to a user or a group of users. Access control robustness is a must because it can be a big source of threat by malicious users that might try to elevate their privileges or try to access resources or functionalities with different roles.


With all the risk related to accessing data, handling the user input still the biggest challenge because of freedom level you need to give to user to fulfil the requirement of usable application which makes having defense mechanism related to the user input a necessity. 

a. Black listing and white listing: 

Covering issues related to input is not very easy task especially when it is about entering free text or when it is related to hidden information that is not part of user direct interaction like hidden fields and cookie information. Input handling is usually done by applying common approaches depending on either accept only the good input based on known patterns or by rejecting suspicious input based on common blacklists. 

b. Sanitization: 

Even though that the whitelisting and blacklisting seem to be very efficient, those approaches might sometime make the application less user friendly and less usable which derive the need to use other ways like sanitization. 

c. Semantic check:

 Even sanitization might fail to get safe input because attacker sometimes depends on having the input totally valid on the syntactic level but malicious on the semantic level. A good example about this case will be trying to access other users information by altering the information of account number in the hidden field dedicated to that purpose.  

In that case the input is valid as the input match the pattern for an account number and the session information shows that the user is successfully authenticated and the user can access and manipulate information related to the entered account number.

d. Recursive and fragmented check:

 in lot of cases attacker might tend to divide attack to multiple stages in way that each part is not classified as malicious input but when it is merged it will create a malicious example will be double encoding the special character in the URL.when the URL is received and decoded for the first time it will not look suspicious but the second decoding by the application will cause the special character to bypass the filter.  


the other dimension that should be controlled is the attacker in order to be sure that all unexpected errors handled, preserved the audit log, notify the administrator and response to attack. 

a. Mitigating unexpected errors: 

Handling errors will allow controlling the unexpected part by showing a customized non informative message or mitigating the error away from any system generated messages the thing that minimize the information discloser caused by unexpected verbose message.  

b. Keeping Audit logs:

 The worst attacks those that do not leave a trace because it does not give any answer to investigators on what assets has been compromised, information disclosed, accessed or altered and nothing about used vulnerability or the identity of attacker. 

Audit logs should have precise information about all events, transactions and access attempts that took place and its status (failed, succeeded) with special focus on any abnormal request showing malicious pattern.

When storing and managing audit logs it is very critical to be sure that information cannot be accessed nor changed by attacker even if that means to isolate as separated system or store the information on write-once media. 

c. You are under attack: 

another important issue in handling attacker is to let the administrator know that the system is under  attack to response in real time because some attacks can be stopped if a fast enough response is generated. Monitoring and detection modules normally depend on abnormality in received requests as a count, sequence, known attack patterns or even a suspicious business content. Examples are receiving a big amount of request from the same source IP or getting request in a suspicious sequence or alteration of values that are normally inaccessible by user (hidden fields) or getting a request to transfer unusual big amount of money from an online bank account.

Detection modules can be a separated application like firewalls and intrusion detection systems but using this approach might not be as effective as integrated modules on all levels especially with attacks of semantic nature due to the usage of generic patterns in off-shelf application in contrast with the intrusion detection modules integrated as part of the application.

d. Response:

 notifying administrator that the application is under attack is something and reacting actively is another thing because responding in real time is an essential factor and can sometimes save the application and stop the attack in many critical applications. 
  Response might be something like blocking request from specific source, react slowly with suspicious requests or drop the user session. Even though that the response was unable to stop a skilled attacker malicious activities it will provide more information and buy time to administrator to react more effectively to the attack.

Monitoring and auditing:

 This aspect is one of the important aspects because it gives the administrator the ability to monitor the overall user behaviors, organize roles, initiate diagnostics tasks and apply different configurations additionally track and log any abnormal user activities. The sensitivity and the importance of this mechanism makes it also a very delicious feast to attackers that might try to gain higher privileges or disclose power user information benefiting from miss configuration.