Friday, March 2, 2018

Be the Attacker

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To be able to have a full understanding of how the attack is taking place you need to put on the attacker hat and think like a one.

Time and place: Thinking of how, where when is important but actually it is not that relevant because attacker will try 24/7 from everywhere as anonymous servers and nodes are available all over the world are ready to be a hacking initiation point intentionally or accidently. An exception will be those application that are only available for a preset time or period.

As most of web application are opened to public all the time the initial scenario is the one that will stand but asking questions when an where can be beneficial because it will be helpful in most scenarios to minimize the access from nodes or areas that have a bad reputation in being a source of many attacks, the following figure represents a snapshot of the Norse Corp live threat map showing attack sources and targets in real time. 

What to target: everything…. all parts of the system should be potential subject to attack, web platform, application, backend, databases, web client, transport and last not least the availability because security is like a chain weak as its weakest part

Mindset: persistence, iterative approach is always fruitful. normally attackers are pushed by huge ego, powerful feelings and lot of energy.   

Attackers categories 

Researches by Christian S. Fötinger Wolfgang Ziegler showed that attackers have different categories depending on their motives and mindset:

A. Old School Hackers: computer programmers from known universities like Stanford or MIT interested in lines of code and analyzing systems, but what they do is not related to criminal activity as They don’t have a malicious intent.

B. Script Kiddies or Cyber-Punks: As an age group, they can be between 12 and 30 years old, and on average have a grade 12 education. Bored in school, very adept with computers and technology main intent is to vandalize or disrupt, like to brag about skills and achievement.

C. Professional Criminals, or Crackers: make a living breaking into systems and selling the information. They might get hired for corporate or government espionage 

D. Coders and Virus Writers: They like to see themselves as an elite. They have a lot of programming background and write code but won’t use it themselves they live that to others.